About Brook Madsen

Posts by Brook Madsen:

Contact with “golden child” brother

Contact with “golden child” brother

I heard my cell phone vibrating over where it was charging at 8:30 in the morning. I walked over to see what was going on and since it wasn’t a number I recognized I tentatively, and perhaps a l little hostilely, said hello. “Hi Brook. You don’t sound like yourself.” Oh crap – it was […]

She was only trying to help

She was only trying to help

In the same conversation as the parody of Dorothy I mentioned that it would never have worked having my mother move in so I could care for her. I jokingly said if we were both under the same roof, one of us would have had to die. I told him my mother had come to […]

The Parable of Dorothy

The Parable of Dorothy

A friend and I were talking about people we knew who were caring for aging parents, who had pretty much given up their lives in that endeavor. I shared with him how my mother had spent my entire life trying to indoctrinate me as to how things would be when she got older by telling […]

Book recommendation for grieving and loss

When I am troubled I tend to do a lot of reading in hope of finding an answer that might soothe my troubled heart. After I lost my son, and I mean several months after because I wasn’t capable of comprehending anything for the first few months, I started buying and reading books on grieving […]

Project Linus

This is a shameless plug for a charity I believe in. If you haven’t heard of Project Linus nothing explains it better than their mission statement: Project Linus is a non-profit organization with a two-fold mission. First, it is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are […]